AP 155: Event and Visit Protocol

Administration of Policy and Legislation


The Superintendent has the responsibility to ensure positive internal and external communications and processes are developed and maintained. It is expected that all staff follow consistent and appropriate protocol, involving etiquette based on hospitality and citizenship, with respect to events and visiting dignitaries. Proper protocol may vary from one situation to another, depending on who is involved in a particular event.


With respect to visiting royal dignitaries:

1. While rare, school boards or schools occasionally may be included in royal visits (including those of Canada’s Governor-General and/or Alberta’s Lieutenant Governor); visits by the Prime Minister or Premier; senior cabinet ministers; ambassadors; or other prominent dignitaries.

1.1. In such circumstances, the formal protocol of either the Government of Canada or Province of Alberta takes precedent.

1.2. Information on proper protocol in these special circumstances shall be obtained from the Government of Alberta.

1.3. The Superintendent shall be contacted in these instances.

1.4. Local event organizers shall ensure Trustees are properly recognized and included in the event whenever possible.

With respect to special visitors and notable dignitaries:

2. The Division, in recognizing its responsibilities to share educational experiences, welcomes visitors to the school system; staff shall adhere to the following:

2.1. Clarity in communication is essential for a successful visit; schools and senior administration shall receive as much notification as is possible with respect to any event.

2.2. Visits to schools by persons from outside the school system shall be arranged by such officials as the Superintendent may appoint, and in consultation with the Principals and teachers concerned.

2.3. Invitations to Trustees are to be issued by school administration to the Division Office.

2.3.1. The Superintendent shall be contacted if a speaker is required at the Board or Division level.

2.3.2. The role and expectation for Trustees shall be defined in the invitation;

2.3.3. Trustees shall be notified, when possible, at least two (2) weeks prior to the event.

2.4. The Superintendent may extend to visitors, at Division expense, such courtesies as the Superintendent deems appropriate.

2.5. Provision shall be made for Trustees and other important guests to be greeted by staff or students.

With respect to general visitors:

3. All visitors to a school are expected to make their presence known to the Principal or designate.

4. Signs indicating this expectation, and the direction to the school office, shall be posted at each unlocked entrance, and at other visible points in the school.

5. All guests shall be afforded hospitality and warm regard by staff and students.

Event Protocol - Introductions

6. Elders, who are in attendance, shall be introduced immediately following the Treaty Acknowledgment; this introduction may occur separately from the order of introductions.

7. Public events shall respect an order of introductions that honours the most significant dignitaries first, as defined by the Government of Canada’s Table of Precedence for Canada.

8. Notwithstanding the primary use of the Table of Precedence for Canada, the following order of introductions shall be implemented:

8.1. The Board Chair,

8.2. The Board Vice-Chair, and

8.3. Trustees in attendance:

8.3.1. Trustees are to be introduced at all times;

8.3.2. When a Trustee is not able to attend, the MC shall express regrets on behalf of the Board.

9. Following the introduction of Trustees, the following order of introductions shall be implemented:

9.1. Mayors,

9.2. Reeves,

9.3. First Nations’ Chiefs,

9.4. Division Senior Administration,

9.5. Councilors,

9.6. Other Dignitaries, notably:

9.6.1. Individuals who have received a special invitation to attend an event due to their role or responsibility

9.7. School Administration (as prudent to do so),

9.8. Heads of other organizations (as prudent to do so),

9.9. Prominent community members (as prudent to do so), and

9.10. Event MCs and organizers (as prudent to do so)

Event Planning and Organization Considerations:

10. Consideration of Location:

10.1. Seating shall be sufficient for the number of guests expected;

10.2. Passageways to an event location shall be clean, well-represented in appearance, and feature student examples of learning as prudent to do so;

10.3. Proper protocols for fire and safety shall be observed.

11. Consideration of Invitations:

11.1. Invitations shall be intentional with respect to the invited individual’s role and reason for attending an event;

11.2. Invitations to event guests shall be distributed in a timely manner; and

11.3. Invitations shall be coordinated through the Division office, as prudent to do so,

12. Consideration of Hosts:

12.1. School administration shall consider the value of student hosts as prudent to do so; and

12.2. Hosts shall be selected as representative ambassadors to their school and shall be appropriately trained to provide relevant information to guests.

13. Consideration of Signage:

13.1. Signage for parking, seating and relevant directions shall be clearly visible; and

13.2. Additional signs that direct guests to washrooms may be required.

14. Consideration of Photographs and Media:

14.1. Opportunities for photographs of or with guests shall be considered in advance of the event with a predetermined location that contributes to the presentation of the photo; and

14.2. Guests shall be notified in advance that a photo opportunity is desired.

15. Consideration of Communications Media:

15.1. Sound and visual projection shall be tested in advance of an event and shall ensure that those presenting may be heard by all members of the audience; and

15.2. Media cables shall be secured to avoid causing a tripping accident.

16. Consideration of Rehearsals:

16.1. Events shall be rehearsed and reviewed by school administration or designate to ensure a high standard of quality.

17. Consideration of Flags:

17.1. The Canadian Flag shall be displayed in accordance with the Position of Honour of the National Flag of Canada and as provided for in Administrative Procedure 158: Flag Protocol.

18. Consideration of the National Anthem:

18.1. The National Anthem shall be played or performed at public events as deemed prudent to do so and as per Administrative Procedure 208: Patriotic Exercises.

19. Consideration of Treaty Acknowledgment:

19.1. Treaty Acknowledgment shall proceed as per Administrative Procedure 159: Treaty Acknowledgment Protocol.

20. Consideration of Seating:

20.1. Dignitaries that require introduction (above) shall have predetermined seating at or near the front of the presentation; and

20.1.1. Dignitary seating areas shall be clearly marked.

21. Consideration of Parking:

21.1. Dignitaries may require an established parking location that is clearly marked.

22. Consideration of Resource Stewardship:

22.1. Event planning shall consider an effective use of resources as prudent to do so.

23. Consideration of Review Process:

23.1. A process may be established at the completion of an event to determine improvements that may be made prior to the next, similar event.


Date Approved: August 22, 2024

Education Act: 222
Table of Precedence for Canada   

Reviewed or Revised:
Executive: August, 2024

References shall be updated as required and do not require additional approval.