AP 110: Education Planning

Administration of Policy and Legislation


Planning in education is an essential part of ensuring that all students have equitable opportunities to acquire the knowledge, skills and attitudes they need to possess the confidence, resilience, insight and skills required to thrive in, and positively impact, the world. Planning ensures resources for education are used in the best possible ways to meet the educational needs of Alberta's young people.

The Division’s annual Education Plan [the Plan] outlines priorities for student learning in the Division, guides budget development, and forms the basis for reporting on progress and achievement.

Plans are updated annually to reflect emerging trends in education for the Division.


With respect to System Planning Guidelines:

1. The Superintendent shall ensure that a generative process exists to develop a Division Plan that attends to local needs and fulfils provincial accountability requirements.

2. The vision, mission, values, beliefs, and the guiding principles for decision-making in the Division shall provide overall direction for system planning.

3. The actions and endeavours of the Division and its schools shall be guided by sound planning processes, ensuring that:

3.1. The planning process shall provide ample opportunity for input and meaningful involvement by persons from stakeholder groups;

3.2. Formal processes exist to develop, revise and extend the Plan;

3.3. The planning process shall recognize local priorities where prudent to do so.

4. The Plan shall be kept current to ensure focused, efficient and effective change and improvements.

5. The Plan shall be updated annually.

6. The Plan shall identify priority areas for improvement each year.

7. The Plan shall include the provincially mandated priority areas.

8. The Plan may include other strategies and measures to reflect local needs.

9. The Plan shall outline the deployment of fiscal resources and be consistent with the provincial funding framework.

Process for the Submission of the Plan:

10. The Superintendent or designate shall present the Plan for Board approval. Parkland School Division 110 – Education Planning

11. Following Board approval:

11.1. The Board approved Plan shall be submitted by the Superintendent or designate to Alberta Education in a form and at a time that meets requirements.

11.2. The Board approved Plan shall be made publicly available on the Division website.

Regarding timely review of the Plan:

12. Progress reports that include areas of success and areas for improvement on the Plan shall be presented to the Board by individuals deemed most responsible for the area reported, in accordance with the annual Board Work Plan and as deemed necessary.



Date Approved: August 29, 2019

Education Act: 33
Alberta Education Business Plan (Current)

Reviewed or Revised:
Executive: August, 2019 

References shall be updated as required and do not require additional approval.