AP 101: Administrative Procedure Development and Review

Administration of Policy and Legislation

Administrative procedures define and legislate operational best-practice approaches in order to effectively administer Board policy across the Division.

The Superintendent expects that all staff are familiar with the Division’s administrative procedures.

With the passage of time and with emerging needs, administrative procedures may require creation or review. An annual review of administrative procedures, with opportunity for input by the appropriate stakeholders, leads to effective operations within the school system.


1. Nomination for review:

1.1. Any staff member may nominate an administrative procedure for review to a school administrator or senior team member when deemed prudent to do so.

1.2. Administrative procedures nominated for review shall be brought by School Administration or a Director to the attention of the Superintendent or designate.

2. The Superintendent shall determine, through consultation with Principals, Directors, and others as appropriate, alignment of administrative procedures with Division practices.

3. Concurrent with the creation or amendment of an administrative procedure, the Superintendent shall ensure a distributed-decision process is utilized.

4. Draft administrative procedures are reviewed and approved by the Superintendent and become effective as of the date of approval.

5. Any decisions or amendments arising from a review of administrative procedures shall be communicated expeditiously to all affected stakeholders.



Date Approved: August 29, 2019

Education Act: 33, 53
References shall be updated as required and do not require additional approval.

Reviewed or Revised:
Executive: August, 2019