AP 940: Community Use of School Facilities and Grounds



The primary purpose of school facilities is to support mandated educational activities and Division-approved activities. After these requirements have been met, school facilities may be made available for other uses.

In priority order, such uses include:

  • School or Division-sponsored activities;
  • Local community-sponsored public service and non-profit activities;
  • Non-local community sponsored public service and non-profit activities;
  • Approved privately-sponsored non-profit activities.


a) Approved Privately-Sponsored Activities: shall include those activities which may be appropriately conducted in a school facility such as meetings, private receptions, funerals, and the showing of films.

b) For-Profit Activities: refer to activities that are intended to generate a profit, that is, it takes in more funds than expended.

c) Local Community: shall refer to the community normally associated with the school either through school attendance boundaries or historical association.

d) Non-Local Community: shall include Parkland County-based community groups and groups supported by the Division.

e) Non-Profit Activities: shall refer to activities for which an admission is not normally charged, or activities from which all net profits gained are dispersed to support community or school needs.

f) Public Service Activities: shall refer to activities such as informational classes, training classes, recreational activities, and cultural activities.


1. The Director of Facilities Services or designate, in consultation with the Principal, shall be responsible for the interpretation and application of the procedures.

2. The Division shall maintain adequate comprehensive insurance coverage for the community use of school facilities.

With respect to User Groups:

3. User groups shall be required to arrange additional insurance coverage when it is deemed advisable by the Division.

4. User groups shall not hold the Division responsible for any instances of bodily injury, sickness, disease or death sustained by user group participants while on the school premises.

5. User groups shall not hold the Division responsible for damage to, destruction of, or loss of property belonging to the group or group participants.

6. All user groups shall provide continuous adult supervision during the rental period.


7. Notwithstanding specific joint-use agreements in place, the serving or consumption of alcoholic beverages shall not be permitted on school premises or school grounds;

8. Prohibited items (e.g. tobacco, cannabis, e-cigarettes, firearms, knives, etc.) shall not be permitted on school facilities and grounds.

9. Use of school facilities may be cancelled if the privilege granted is being abused, if payments are not made or if the terms of the contract are breached.

Use of School Equipment:

10. The Principal, Site Manager or approved designate shall determine if equipment or supplies shall be made available for user groups or employees.

11. If equipment or supplies are made available for use, a fee schedule and conditions of use shall be established by the Principal or designate and all transactions shall be recorded.

12. In the event that borrowed equipment is lost or damaged, the user group or employee shall be responsible for all costs resulting from replacement, and/or repairs.

12.1. The costs shall be determined by the Site Manager or Principal.

Damages to Facilities or Grounds:

13. A damage deposit on a booking may be charged at the discretion of the Director of Facilities Services.

13.1. This damage deposit shall be refunded within seven (7) days of the event, provided no damage has been incurred.

14. The cost of property loss or damage arising out of the use of any facilities shall be assessed to and paid by the party responsible for the activity from which the damage resulted.

14.1. Responsibility for assessment of damages shall be determined by the Director of Facilities Services.


15. The users must notify the party/individual that authorized use of the facility of any accident that occurs during their use of the facilities. Notification is to occur as soon as possible.


16. The Director of Facilities Services shall establish fee charges annually.

17. Any group that sponsors activities to generate revenues for charitable, school or local community youth group purposes may request a rental reduction.

17.1. The Director of Facilities Services may grant rental reduction requests if they are infrequent.

Joint-Use Agreements:

18. All provisions of joint-use agreements are to be adhered to by the users.



Date Approved: September 11, 2019

Education Act: 33, 52, 68, 197, 225
Tobacco and Smoking Reduction Act
Tobacco and Smoking Reduction Regulation (240/2007)
Joint Use Agreements

Reviewed or Revised:
Executive: September, 2019

References shall be updated as required and do not require additional approval.